Who We Are

Kunzang Chöling of Evansville (KCE) was initially formed in 2009 as the Palchen Study Group of Evansville (PSGE). We started our group with the approval of Bardor Tulku Rinpoche of Kunzang Palchen Ling (KPL) monastery, and continued as PSGE until 2016, at which time we were given full affiliate status with KPL, and renamed Kunzang Chöling of Evansville.

KCE is a diverse group. We are non-sectarian and support all traditions of buddhism. Our group instruction and focus is on Tibetan forms of practice, and we welcome anyone wanting to learn about, study, and practice in the Tibetan Buddhist style. Now that we are a full affiliate under Kunzang Palchen Ling, we are working toward our classification as a 501(c3) religious organization.

Our weekly sessions, book studies, and special practice dates are led by long-time students of Bardor Rinpoche. Alan McCoy, Director of KCE, has been a student of Bardor Rinpoche since 1998. Our other officers are similarly long-time students who are helping bring dharma to the tri-state community.

Our Lineage — Our Teachers

Terchen Barway Dorje

Terchen Barway Dorje (the first Bardor Rinpoche) lived from 1836 – 1918. He was a student of many buddhist masters of his time— such as the 9th Tai Situ Rinpoche, the 14th Karmapa, and Chokgyur Lingpa.Toward the end of his life, the first Bardor Rinpoche founded Raktrul Monastery in eastern Tibet. The monastery still thrives today, and many of the lamas (teachers) at KPL are from Raktrul. Many of Terchen Barway Dorje’s teachings can be read in the book The Treasury of Eloquence, and his interior biography can be read in the book Precious Essence.

Bardor Tulku Rinpoche (the Third Bardor Rinpoche, 1949 – 2021) was born in Kham, eastern Tibet. At an early age, H.H. the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa recognized him to be the third incarnation of Terchen Barway Dorje. Growing up and training at Rumtek Monastery in Sikkhim, Bardor Rinpoche was eventually made attendant to the 16th Karmapa. In the late 1970’s, at the Karmapa’s direction, Bardor Rinpoche relocated to the United States. Once here, Bardor Rinpoche worked to help establish Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Woodstock, NY. In 2003, Bardor Rinpoche established Kunzang Palchen Ling Tibetan Buddhist center in Red Hook, NY. KPL focuses primarily on preserving and sharing the teachings of the Terchen Barway Dorje lineage. Bardor Rinpoche is author of many books and collected teaching instructions, and was the spiritual director of the various Kunzang Chölings and Palchen Study Groups located across the U.S. until his paranirvana in 2021.

Bardor Tulku Rinpoche
Lama Tashi Topgyal

Vajracharya Lama Tashi Topgyal was born in Kham, eastern Tibet, and trained at Raktrul Monastery. He received empowerments, transmissions, and instruction regarding the terma of Terchen Barway Dorje, from Lama Karma Thupten, who was the main disciple and attendant of the Second Bardor Rinpoche. Lama Tashi Topgyal came to the United States in 2003, and has been dedicated since then to helping build and establish Kunzang Palchen Ling. He travels frequently to teach at the various Kunzang Chölings and Palchen Study Groups around the country.

Longchenpa (1308—1364) was one of the most renowned and brilliant teachers of the Nyingma lineage. His legacy includes systematizing the Nyingma teachings, as well as writing extensively on Dzogchen. Longchenpa shared a close relationship with Rangjung Dorje (the Third Karmapa) as they both shared in common a root teacher, Rigdzin Kumaradza. It was through this root teacher and friendship, that the Kagyu lineage of the Karmapa, and the Nyingma lineage of Longchenpa, were brought closer together. Amongst many writings, Longchenpa is remembered especially for his teachings collected into the Seven Treasures as well as the Three Trilogies.
